Our Story
First seed of “Niranjanaaya” was sown in year 2014, when we realized that, for a patient with a lifestyle disorder, it is as important to focus on well-being as to fight against the dis-ease with medicines. It is very important to know the disease as well as one’s own body from multiple perspectives, to meet one’s own self, and to be with oneself in daily life, and this is how exactly the concept of Niranjanaaya was born – to provide an opportunity to reconnect one’s body, mind and spirit using holistic and personalized approach and to empower one to use one’s own lifestyle, which includes but is not limited to – diet, environment, exercise, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and spirituality – in journey of the life.
Niranjanaaya is a concept which aims to make lifestyle changes personalized to individuals with chronic medical disorders – most of which are significantly influenced by lifestyle, that is, how one lives…
Our Core Beliefs
Lifestyle medicine is to be adapted to each human being to suit his/her preferences and personality. It is not a “one size fits all” approach.
Lifestyle medicine is about how to make gradual but effective changes in lifestyle that is supportive to assist one’s health and well-being.
Lifestyle medicine is not an alternative to medicines but plays a very important complementary and supportive role in patients suffering from lifestyle disorders.
Lifestyle medicine is much about healthy living and healthy thinking – it is an intervention that a pill cannot do.
Safety is the priority. “Do no harm” is an age-old principle for any doctor.
Our Objectives
To take a person to his/her optimal level of health and happiness.
To create an awareness that one’s health is in one’s own hands and by taking charge of one’s lifestyle, one
can live a life with better health and well-being.
To offer interventions that do not interfere with conventional medicine by adopting a holistic approach
towards one’s body, mind, and spirit.
To spread awareness about lifestyle medicine approaches in society so that a healthy community can be
built by preventing r delaying several of lifestyle disorders by adopting health lifestyles